Self-Care Resources
Work/Life Integration
Three Arts Leaders Share Strategies for Better Work Life Balance - Arts industry professionals share practical insights on the humanization factor of remote work, open workplace communication, and stress management.
How to balance full-time work with creative projects - Guide on how to balance full-time work with creative projects.
Work/Family Integration
Physical Wellness
A creative person’s guide to feeling healthy - Franziska Eichler gives a guide on how to stay healthy as a creative person.
Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Initiative for those in the entertainment industry by Behind the Scenes Charity
Self-Care + Your Studio Practice - CERF+ in partnership with Wellness for Makers features key practices for artists in the studio
Wellness For Makers - aimed at making self-care, stretching, and massage techniques more accessible to artists everywhere.
Emotional Well-Being
Entertainment Industry Therapist Finder by Behind the Scenes Charity
Connection to Something Greater Than Myself/Spiritual Well-Being
Can Creativity Enhance Mental Health & Workplace Wellness? - Workplace wellness isn’t just about physical health; it’s also about having an inspired, engaged and resilient workforce who do great work
Spiritual well-being at work: how to do it right - Today, more people are finding inspiration and fulfillment in their jobs by bringing their spirituality into the workplace. The nature and meaning of work are undergoing a profound evolution. And the emergence of spirituality in the workplace points to the desire that there be more to work than just survival.
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Mindful Inquiry
Compassionate Resilience and Action
My Art Resources | Self Care for Artists - Five short articles on taking care of yourself to maximize productivity.