I Work With Artists - Funding Individual Artists Resources
Funding Guidelines
Nonprofit Law Blog | Fiscal Sponsorship: Six Ways to Do It Wrong - Avoiding legal complications in a fiscal sponsorship program.
Nonprofit Law Blog | Fiscal Sponsorship: A Valuable Option for Grantmakers and Grantees - Quick legal information on ensuring a fiscal sponsor is eligible to give.
Funding Processes
Council of Nonprofits | Fiscal Sponsorship for Nonprofits - Information regarding the benefits of adopting the model of fiscal sponsorship.
Project Streamline helps grantmakers reduce the burden of grantmaking requirements, so grants management professionals can obtain the information they need to make good grantmaking decisions and help their organizations and their grantseekers dedicate more time to mission-based work.
Funding Organizations that Fund Artists
Also visit our page Resources for Grantmakers.
Grantmakers in the Arts | Supporting Individual Artists: A Toolbox
Funding New Work
Fundraising Coach | 11 Experts on How to Get New Donors - Advice on creating a donor network and using it effectively.
Funding Transparency
Sharing What Matters: Foundation Transparency – Center for Effective Philanthropy